Sunday, October 26, 2008

Strange Fellows

People think holidays are a stressful time for families. But Can we hear it for ELECTION season? Geez.

I heard it from a source who heard it from another source that I am voting for Obama this year because he has a pretty face and straight teeth.

Before that, I got some craaazzzyyy emails from a different family member, farther removed, telling me what I have read, whom I believe, what I have studied politically and what I haven't, and what a follower I am, based on these things I am allegedly reading, not reading, doing, and not doing.

A pretty face and straight teeth. Yep. Sorry folks, to confess to you that despite a life committed to learning, I have educated myself no further in these my 37 years than a smiling charisma. That my patriotism and passions for my countrymen and women, my beliefs and understandings about my employment and my taxes, my body of wealth and the body I live in, eek only from the vain terrain of a hormonal brain, and the vapid recesses of my blankness. Sorry, guys. Just give me the pretty.

If I were voting pretty, I'd vote Palin, 'cause McCain's gonna kick the bucket, and THEN we'd better stake politics on straight teeth, or we're doomed.

I *have* wondered the size of the pretty vote that Palin will command. McCain seems to surround himself with fine-featured women--his Senior Policy Advisor, his wife, his ex-wife, his Playmate, I mean, running mate. How many Joe Six-pacs will that pull in automatically, for pure viewing pleasure?

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