Monday, August 27, 2007

Personal Dialect

My step-mom is excitable. Set on normal, her facial expression resides somewhere between placid and steely, depending on the quality of light and purity of your soul.

In my family, she got the speed. Mostly in her brain. Mom's got maybe 27 channels on in there, all moving at lightning speed, and her mouth, God bless us all, couldn't keep up if she were a blue-ribbon speed-talker.

My dad loves this. Wholly entertained, he waits like a dog with a biscuit on his snout, for her newly rendered language, the verbal mishaps between her inside world and outside. He plants practical jokes to catch the 27 channels off guard and to hear her squeal, which is more a squawk as if a bird of prey itself is escaping for dear life from her throat, "Jiiiiimmm!!!!"

Sometimes, on a really really good day, a delicious and God-sent two-biscuit day, she'll encounter her excitability without my dad's help at all, and he'll be right there to hear it.

His recent favorite, they're driving down a Missouri highway and they see a car that has just spun out and rolled. In the middle of exhausting green expanse, this is pretty exciting for a passenger who has heretofore had fairly little to set her brain upon. Her wind-up is zero to 60 in .5 seconds; the bird of prey bursts out.

"Jim! Jim loook!! That car, it's all up under its overneath!!"


  1. In a discussion on the wonder and beauty of the mountains of the world, the comment is made, "I really want to climb Kilimanjaro". In less time than it takes to inhale a recovering breath, she pops in with, "OK! let's go!, but I'm gettin' a new pair of Keds."

    This was said at dinner in a nice Mexican restaurant. Thankfully, most of the Coca Cola nose spray was limited to the immediate table and our own clothing.


  2. oh when things get their over neath up under them, thats a day.

    its a funny expression but also morbid as it leaves me with the vividness of the metal tangled as i plod off to bed.
